Why Us?

  • Finding a general contractor can be torture.

  • It’s different from buying a house where you can inspect features.
  • There are protections. For example, the architect, the contract and competitive bidding all help, but ultimately, trust is the primary protection.
  • Choosing Alward Construction will be the result of mutual trust between the client and our company.
  • ALWARD CONSTRUCTION develops scope, budgets and schedules for clients who want to work with us.

  • We typically help you develop your scope, budget and schedule as part of our client service.
  • We typically bill clients on a time and materials basis with a negotiated markup and a separate consideration of who will purchase items.
  • We build in a manner that makes the owner and contractor a team – as reflected in our very high client repeat and referral business.
  • “We need a ball park estimate of what this project will cost in order to help us select a contractor and to know whether we’re going to finish the plans.”

  • Lowest estimate: Maybe the contractor doesn’t understand the job or has left something important out or is “low balling” you.
  • Highest estimate: Perhaps the quality or work scope actually requires this price?
  • Middle estimate: Maybe his work is also just average quality?
  • Without a lot of work, contractors cannot know what your project will really cost. Realistic estimates cost money but can save you time and ultimately dollars.
  • A ball park estimate cannot be accurate and cannot provide a secure basis for you to select a contractor.
  • “We have to know what our project will cost and know the price is competitive.”

  • You have to wait for final building plans and drawings to get competitive bids but good contractors can help you save money and improve quality during the architectural process.
  • You can get a fixed price bid, but beware of expensive change orders resulting from weak building documents and limited owner/architect project management expertise or time.
  • Our approach:

  • Find a contractor you trust, involve them early in the design process and demand “transparency.”  Ask for their markup, profit and labor rates.  Find a comfortable relationship where you can talk openly about your fears, expectations, and any disappointments as the job proceeds.


Hard Work.

We set high expectations and enjoy delighting clients.

Doing it Right.

There are a lot of ways to build something but only a few ways “to do it right.”

Supporting our Employees.

We constantly challenge our people to take their competency to the next level. Attitude and outlook dictate who we hire for our team.

Learning All the Trades.

We are builders, not just carpenters. Subcontractors respect us for our craft and competence.

Meeting New Challenges.

We take on the impossible in both big and small ways.
  • ALWARD CONSTRUCTION has a pre-eminent reputation among leading architects in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • We receive many referrals by architects for large and small jobs.
  • Many of our clients are also architects.
  • We are particularly accommodating and helpful as part of the architect’s team.
  • We have proven to be valuable in problem-solving particularly when brought in early in the planning process.

Architects know that Alward is always focused on supporting the building team to produce quality work within budget.